1-Day Pass, Sat, 22nd
One-Day Pass (Saturday, March 22nd) – Awakening & Activation

Zeit & Ort
22. März 2025, 10:30 – 17:30
Corralitos, Corralitos, CA, USA
Über die Veranstaltung
🌿 One-Day Pass (Saturday, March 22nd) – Awakening & Activation
“Feeling called to clear old energy and awaken your creative power? Join us for a soul-nourishing day of movement, ceremony, and ecstatic expression. Through cacao, womb activation, and dance, we’ll shed what no longer serves us and step into the radiance of Spring. Come for the healing, stay for the sisterhood.”
🔹 Early Bird: $195 | Regular: $250 *after March 10th
🔥 Full Weekend Pass
🔥 Full Weekend Pass (March 22nd & 23rd) – The Deep Dive
375,00 $+9,38 $ Ticket-ServicegebührVerkauf beendet🌿 1-Day Pass, 22nd of March
One-Day Pass (Saturday, March 22nd) – Awakening & Activation Feeling called to clear old energy and awaken your creative power? Join us for a soul-nourishing day of movement, ceremony, and ecstatic expression. Through cacao, womb activation, and dance, we’ll shed what no longer serves us and step into the radiance of Spring. Come for the healing, stay for the sisterhood. 🔹 Early Bird: $275 | Regular: $333 after 3rd of March
195,00 $+4,88 $ Ticket-ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
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